The truth about insurance companies in general.

During this winter season it is typical for insurance companies, the news stations, numerous websites and social media to splurge on and on with cliche topics about how to drive in winter weather conditions or the amazing storm front that’s going to hit us in a few days. But a lot of you know it’s just the same ol’ story and article every year. With years of experience driving, you already know to not accelerate rapidly, brake too fast, or oversteer in snowy conditions or heavy rain.

I wanted to tell you something that you may of may not know, without the cliche seasonal article…

Almost all insurance companies are relatively the same. What do I mean by that? Let’s take, for example, a benefit offered by MetLife Auto & Home with their Deductible Savings Benefit. MetLife is a wonderful company and has a lot of benefits to homeowners and drivers all over the country. They were one of the first companies to offer the accident free benefit where each year you drive safe your deductible is reduced by a certain amount. Sounds great, right?

Well it is. It’s a nice reward for you to earn. In fact, it was such a good idea that many other insurance companies followed suit and created their own versions. They put their own spin on it and call it something different, like “Disappearing Deductible by Progressive” or “Nationwide’s Vanishing Deductible Program”. If it’s a good benefit to offer; most insurance companies will soon follow and create the same benefits.

We also see this with driving apps. There were only a few companies using this a decade ago with the plug in device in your OBD port of your car. Now driving apps (called telematics) have advanced and become more accurate with the advent of technology and smart phones. Now almost every company has a program, such as  State Farm’s Drive Safe & SaveSafeco Insurance’s RightTrack, or Traveler’s IntelliDrive. There are huge benefits and savings for using these apps. But I digress. (Watch for our next article in which we delve deep into the use of apps in the insurance industry)

The bottom line is that most insurance companies are the same. Right? Well, almost.

Most companies don’t offer unique coverages, benefits or savings in general. The honest truth is that most rates you pay are based on your zip code, loss history and demographic risk profile. What does make insurance different is your agent who represents you, the level of customer service, follow through and the claims process. It is about customer service and looking out for your best interest. Protecting you, your family and your assets while finding you the lowest rates possible every year.

If you haven’t had a great experience with your current agent or had your rates and coverages looked at this past year, you should call us or your local agent. Let us find you the lowest car insurance rates and provide you with customer service that exceeds your expectations. Let us make insurance simple and do the legwork and shopping for you!

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